Becoming Earthed.

As coaches and facilitators we often talk of the need to slow down, observe, become aware and reflect.

When we came together as EARTHED we started instantly moving towards excitedly discussing all the amazing things we could do together. Fortunately, it wasn’t too long before one of us pointed out that we should just slow down.

What we experienced in that moment was unexpectedly a microcosm of many things that are playing out across humanity. An instant desire to get on and DO, DO, DO! Build courses…run programmes…grow work. The instant assumption that if we move forward, get busy and grow the rest will sort itself out. Sound familiar?

But then we breathed, we slowed down, we looked at the amazing landscape, our shared place.

We took the time to observe the world around us, society, our networks, communities, families, friends and the natural world where we sat beneath two 400 year old oak trees. We took time to start living in that moment some of the incredible work that has inspired us all. Theory U, Permaculture Principles, Regenerative Leadership to name but a few.

The enquiry that followed was not what do we want to do but what did we feel the world needed and how could we support it?

From that enquiry emerged some core foundations that have shaped our work as EARTHED since:

  • The importance of re-defining how we grow as individuals, organisations and economies. To shift from linear growth to organic growth. Paying attentions to the importance of the conditions that support us, community, culture, meaning, purpose…the soil!

  • The need for a place to slow down, to prioritise human connection and connection with the natural world. Somewhere to leave the LinkedIn avatars at the door.

  • The recognition that riding the two horses of the current system whilst attending to the emergence of a new system is the work of our time.

We came together having probably read 1,000,000 pages of books, listened to countless podcasts and taken umpteen courses on the importance of this practice yet the challenges of evolving how we approach life, how we think and interact are very real. It isn’t easy, requires support, community and as much un-learning as it does new learning.

It's a constant reminder to think of before we do; to listen to what is going on before we act; to move towards what needs to be done rather than what do I need to do.

For me this was the moment we became EARTHED. The start of a journey becoming part of something bigger… people and planet grounded in place and purpose!


Learning from the land.


Building our bridges.