Building our bridges.

One of the first things we asked ourselves as EARTHED was “what happens when we learn with the land?”

We came together as a group of individuals and a discussion around the metaphor of a bridge. The challenge that comes with trying to do the work that we care about. The sense of all sitting on one side of a river, all with our head down, trying to build our bridge to the other side. The feelings of hope and passion interspersed continually with loneliness, tiredness and frustration.

We asked… what if we stopped trying to build our separate bridges? What if we built a single bridge using combined skills, experience, collaboration around a clear shared purpose?

What instantly became clear was the importance of connection between us as people and place. We had the opportunity through the amazing generosity of Sal and Tom at Wild Things Farm to have a home, a place to ground our work.

It is a reminder of the need to put people and place at the heart of how society evolves to deal with the huge environmental challenges of our time. Place, the scale at which humanity and environment entwines. Our essential human connections that hold and support us in community. A connection that simply cannot happen online and through technology, a return to something deeper, more real and live giving.


Becoming Earthed.


We are ‘soil’.